##################### Form and model fields ##################### ************ Model fields ************ .. py:class:: cms.models.fields.PageField This is a foreign key field to the :class:`cms.models.pagemodel.Page` model that defaults to the :class:`cms.forms.fields.PageSelectFormField` form field when rendered in forms. It has the same API as the :class:`django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey` but does not require the ``othermodel`` argument. *********** Form fields *********** .. py:class:: cms.forms.fields.PageSelectFormField Behaves like a :class:`django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField` field for the :class:`cms.models.pagemodel.Page` model, but displays itself as a split field with a select dropdown for the site and one for the page. It also indents the page names based on what level they're on, so that the page select dropdown is easier to use. This takes the same arguments as :class:`django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField`.